The link


Genre Documentary
Director M.Lena
Screenwriter M.Lena
Production company DMovie

The product that at this very moment is in your hand, that you’re buying, consuming or throwing has a much longer and adventurous history than you can imagine. The Link follows a mass consumption product from its point of view, along itschain of production, consumption and disposal, weaving together the stories of many workers who live worlds apart, but at the same time, on the sameplanet. That specific product becomes a link, that allows us to go around the world inless than twenty four hours, linking and crossing the stories of six workers who live in distant countries, radically different lives.You do not know them, but somehow you depend on them and they depend on you.

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: M.Lena
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: M.Lena
Montaggio/Editor: F.Carchiolo, G.Zanin
Suono/Sound: M.Lena
Produzione/Production company: DMovie -

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