Trieste, Yugoslavia


Genre Documentary
Director Alessio Bozzer
Screenwriter G.Penco, A.Bozzer, G.Carbi
Production company Videoest

From the mid ’50s, Piazza Ponterosso in the centre of Trieste became legendary, and a favourite shopping destination for citizens of the former Yugoslavia. During the ’70s and the ’80s, the thing that came to symbolise this period was the blue jeans. During those years, millions of Slavs came to Trieste at least two or three times a year. With the war in Yugoslavia in the ‘90s, it all came to a halt. The films pieces together a mosaic of stories and testimonies from both sides of the border which attempts to reconstruct those years.

Supported for the Development and Distribution



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Regia/Director: Alessio Bozzer
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: Giampaolo Penco, Alessio Bozzer, Giuliana Carbi
Fotografia/DOP: Paolo Babici, Riccardo Dussi
Montaggio/Editor: Zarko Suc
Musica originale/Music: Elvio Carini
Suono/Sound: Zarko Suc, Christopher Scherlich
Produzione/Production company: Videoest -

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