We are Shardana


Genre Documentary
Director/Screenwriter C.Errico
Production Company Sunfilms

A fascinating journey into the deepest and most unknown Sardinia to discover fairytale scenarios, myths and legends that at some point seem to truly become reality.
Paolo, son of an entrepreneur from the north-east, is a history student at the University of Bologna. Passionate about ethnography and enthusiastic about the contents exposed by the professor during one of the last lessons of cultural anthropology, he decides the topic to deepen for his thesis: the myths and legends related to Sardinia and the nuragic civilization. He talks about it with the professor who willingly supports him in this idea, agreeing to become his rapporteur. Paolo will leave towards the beginning of April in total autonomy, with the car until Civitavecchia and then by ferry until Cagliari. At a certain point, thanks to Maria Carmen, a local woman who offers to accompany him along his path, his search will become something much more curious and interesting: a kind of journey to discover the mysteries of Sardinian culture. The plot is deliberately built on the spectacular location that Paolo will visit along the way, a set of paintings that represent the island at 360 degrees and that will make everyone understand how much more there is to discover in this wild and mysterious land.

Supported for the Distribution


Regia/Director: C.Errico
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: C.Errico
Fotografia/DOP: C.Errico
Montaggio/Editor: C.Errico
Suono/Sound: C.Errico
Musiche originali/Music: C.Errico
Produzione/Production company: Sunfilms
http://livregratis.fr/ - http://club-ebook.fr/

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