

Genre Fiction
Director R.Milone
Screenwriter AA.VV.
Production Company Rosamont, Staragara

Arianna has left behind a destructive love affair with an artist, Alex, and a career in painting that never really interested her, and now draws comics for a dating site.
Taking care of other people’s loves, while refusing all invitations for herself, keeps her safe from emotions and temptations. She is learning to live again, after trying to die. Between an online violin lesson and a tai chi class, she has found her own serenity. But seeing Alex again, one day, by chance, upsets her and prompts her to accept an invitation to a party, just not to be alone with herself. And it is here, in an abandoned former glasswork, that Arianna meets a strange guy: Max. Max makes mirrors and looks like a man from another era. He is kind, funny, appears whenever she thinks of him and can realize her every wish, even the most intimate. Arianna talks to him, goes out, laughs, makes love as she has never done before. But who is this man who appeared out of nowhere, who gives her strength and confidence, but only she is able to recall, every time she traces his outline on a sheet of paper? When Arianna understands that Max is but her mirror, she will have learnt to love herself and will be able, painfully, necessarily, to say goodbye to him.

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: R.Milone
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: AA.VV.
Produzione/Production company: Rosamont, Staragara -

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