RE-ACT Masterclass & Networking Days

Zagreb Film Festival organizza l’iniziativa RE-ACT Masterclass & Networking Days in programma il 27 e 28 ottobre prossimi. Ancora una volta tutti i professionisti Re-ACT avranno l’opportunità di prendere parte ad un ricco programma di inizative che prevede, tra le altre, una presentazione del RE-ACT Co-Development Fund, una lecture ideata in collaborazione con First Cut+ e alcune interessanti attività di networking dedicate ai produttori provenienti da Croazia, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Serbia e Slovenia.

Per partecipare è sufficiente registrarsi al seguente form entro e non oltre mercoledì 12 ottobre 2022 – RE-ACT & ZFF offrono fino a 2 notti di pernottamento a Zagabria ai primi 10 professionisti iscritti, garantendo una rappresentanza di tutti i territori coinvolti nell’azione.

Questo il programma:
> 27 ottobre 2022, 15:00 – 15:30 CEST 
RE-ACT Co-Development Funding Scheme & future perspectives
Alessandro Gropplero – FVG Audiovisual Fund

> 27 ottobre 2022, 15:30 – 17:00 CEST 
Marketing Is Your Friend
A RE-ACT lecture in collaboration with FIRST CUT+
Christina Pelekani – marketing & distribution consultant / co-founder of Endorphin Film Sales
For filmmakers, marketing is probably the last thing that they want to consider. Not anymore. Nowadays, filmmakers are responsible for the marketing, sales and distribution of their project.
The lecture will focus on the 3 valuable C’s, which in marketing terminology stand for Consumer, Convenience and Communication. There will be presented the “secret weapons” of marketing – positioning, benchmarks, strengths&challenges, definition of target audience; distribution models, film marketing in the digital age, plus useful tips for creating the best possible promotional materials in order to stand out from the clutter, will also be part of the presentation.
One of the lecture’s objectives is to help the producers think both like a film business investor (B2B) and a fan (B2C).

> 28 ottobre 2022, 10:00 – 11:30 CEST 
Introduction of the registered producers & matchmaking activities  

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Ricordiamo che la call di First Cut Lab RE-ACT 2022 workshop rimane aperta fino al 15 ottobre 2022!

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News del 5 Ottobre 2022 -

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