
Call for entries for 2020 WEMW Co-Production Forum

WEMW Co-production Forum DEADLINE: October 31, 2019 The upcoming edition of WEMW (January 19-21, 2020) will launch the new East & West focus and will bring together over 500 film professionals from more than 40 countries, in particular from the 2020 spotlight countries: Hungary, Moldova, Romania & Austria, Germany, Switzerland. ELIGIBLE CRITERIA Producers from Europe*, .. read more

News del 11 September 2019

RE-ACT 2019: all news at a glance!

In the past five years RE-ACT has achieved great results in connecting professionals and boosting co-productions between Croatia, Slovenia and FVG but starting from this year the network will expand. Thanks to the close collaboration with Film Center Serbia, all Serbian film professionals will be eligible to attend the future RE-ACT workshops and apply to .. read more

News del 17 June 2019

PUENTES: first workshop in Fiuggi coming up!

EAVE PUENTES Europe/Latin America Co-Production Workshop launches its 10th edition from June 10 – 14, 2019, in Fiuggi, Italia. 15 high-profile producers and professionals (complete list of participants below) have been selected out of a record number of over 96 applications from 25 countries. PUENTES is a two-part programme taking place in Fiuggi, Italy, in partnership with FVG Audiovisual Fund, with .. read more

News del 10 June 2019

PRO Otok: FOCUS on Makeup and Costume Design

The 15th edition of the International Film Festival Kino Otok – Isola Cinema, taking place this year between 5 and 9 June in Izola, brings a fresh selection of programme for film professionals and other interested public. Among internationally renowned experts who will share their experiences at PRO Otok are costume designer, Academy Award winner .. read more

News del 6 June 2019

TIES THAT BIND takes off in Udine for the 11th time!

This year’s edition of THAT THAT BIND (TTB), the leading workshop programme connecting professionals from Asia and Europe, will start again in Udine in a few days. We are proud to announce the selection of 15 participants out of 59 applications from 31 countries! Please see the list below. TIES THAT BIND has become the .. read more

News del 24 April 2019

Re-Act 2018 awarded projects

In the fourth round of co-development funding in 2018, out of 23 applications in total, 6 projects were chosen and awarded with 10.000 euros each. Projects were chosen by the RE-ACT Programme Council, in consultation with two renowned European film experts: Katerina Kaklamani and Martichka Bozhilova, for fiction/animation and documentary projects respectively. A list of .. read more

News del 24 January 2019 -

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