
WEMW opens call for its new special hybrid Co-Production Forum!

The last months have seen a drastic change of the world as we knew it. We all had to quickly and instinctively adapt to radically new circumstances. The next edition of WEMW will reflect this new reality with a brand new format, while keeping an eye on the usual care for our guests. Our main .. read more

News del 30 September 2020

When East Meets West, CineMart and New Nordic Films are happy to announce a brand new partnership with Marché du Film Online!

For the very first time, Marché du Film will showcase a line-up of 20 international projects previously presented in one of three markets, and will offer them a series of Co-Production Speed Meeting Sessions with potential co-producers, decision makers and financiers. All registered professionals will be able to check more detailed info on selected projects .. read more

News del 18 June 2020

TFL Up & Coming Italia

TFL Up & Coming Italia is a new initiative dedicated to Italian cinema, addressed to emerging producers taking their first steps into international co-production. A group of 6 emerging producers will be the protagonist of an exclusive plan of activities that will take place during the TFL Meeting Event, from the 18th to 20th of November 2020. They will receive dedicated guidance .. read more

News del 6 May 2020


In a very challenging and demanding time for our film industry, RE-ACT has decided to plan ahead and launch for the second consecutive year a new collaboration with First Cut Lab.  Thanks to this partnership, RE-ACT will host two sessions along the year, each one designed for 2 long feature fiction films in editing phase from Croatia, Friuli Venezia Giulia region, Serbia .. read more

News del 7 April 2020

RE-ACT Awarded Projects

In the fifth round of co-development funding in 2019, out of 28 applications in total, 6 projects from Croatia, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia were chosen and awarded with 10.000 euros each. Starting from 2020 Film Center Serbia will be a REACT full member and Serbian producers will be eligible to apply for the co-development .. read more

News del 28 January 2020

RE-ACT Extended deadline!

The co-development funding call is still open! Deadline has been extended to 22 November 2019! Producers from Croatia, Slovenia and FVG region can submit their applications for the RE-ACT Co-Development Funding scheme. According to the new 2019 regulations in order to be eligible at least one member of the team (either the director or one of the producers attached .. read more

News del 15 November 2019 -

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