
WEMW 2022 | Call for entries for Co-Production Forum is now open!

DEADLINE: October 30, 2021 The next edition of WEMW will mark the start of a brand-new era in the design and planning of the co-production market. After ten years based on a traditional physical format and one year run fully online, the new generation of WEMW will introduce a new concept based on hybrid content .. read more

News del 30 September 2021

DocCelerator Fall 2021 Season

Paradiddle Pictures is now announcing the DocCelerator Fall 2021 Season. DocCelerator is the online workshop series providing a method for a more focused story universe and a clearer dramaturgical structure for documentary projects in development or production.    For the Fall 2021 season of DocCelerator, there are three different formats of the workshop available. Documentary makers can pick the .. read more

News del 18 June 2021

PUENTES announces its 2021 selection!

EAVE PUENTES, the most relevant and successful training programme for developing European-Latin American co-production is thrilled to announce the selection of the 14 participants for its 2021 edition! PUENTES takes place over 2 workshops. The first workshop will take happen online from June 14 – 25, in partnership with FVG Audiovisual Fund, IDM Südtirol / .. read more

News del 1 June 2021

First Cut Lab RE-ACT 2021

The call for projects of First Cut Lab RE-ACT 2021 is now open! First Cut Lab RE-ACT is a consultancy program designed for feature films in editing phase from Croatia, Friuli Venezia Giulia region, Serbia and Slovenia. The program is made in collaboration and with the financial support of the RE-ACT initiative, making it possible for .. read more

News del 30 April 2021

FIRST CUT+ Masterclasses

Take part to the winter session of the FIRST CUT+ Masterclasses taking place on Jan 22-25 and organized in partnership between WEMW, REACT and FIRST CUT+, a new program created for boosting the competitiveness and marketability of feature films from Central & Eastern Europe! For the first time REACT producers, distributors and exhibitors will have the great opportunity to join the eight FC+ selected teams and attend a series .. read more

News del 18 January 2021

21 projects selected for this special “out of the box” edition of the Trieste Co-Production Forum

21 film projects from 14 countries will be presented at the 11th edition of When East Meets West, the Italian Co-Production Forum taking place from January 25-28, 2021 in the frame of the Trieste Film Festival. The 21 projects in development – 10 feature documentaries and 11 fiction features – were selected out of a .. read more

News del 17 December 2020 -

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