
The co-development funding call is still open!

The deadline has been extended to November 20, 2021! Producers from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and FVG region can still submit their applications for the RE-ACT Co-Development Funding scheme. According to the 2021 regulations in order to be eligible at least one member of the team (either the director or one of the producers attached to .. read more

News del 15 November 2021

WEMW 2022 Co-Production Forum | EXTENDED DEADLINE

As a result of the strong interest in the upcoming edition of the WEMW Co-Production Forum, taking place on January 24-28, 2022, the deadline for submission has been extended to November 7, 2021 to allow as many producers as possible to finalize their materials and apply with their project. Producers from Europe*, Canada, USA & .. read more

News del 29 October 2021

CEE Animation Workshop

CEE Animation Workshop is a year-long programme for developing projects and enhancing the skills of producers in the field of animation. The programme is open to professionals from all member states participating in the Creative Europe MEDIA programme. With its holistic approach, CEE Animation Workshop accompanies a project from its early stages to a fully .. read more

News del 26 October 2021

WEMW launches the brand-new Slate Market and opens call for all works-in progress sections!

After announcing the call for its upcoming 12th Co-Production Forum, taking place both in Trieste and online between 24-28 January 2022, WEMW now opens the calls for an exciting first edition of the Slate Market and for all the sections targeting feature fiction films and full-length documentaries in post-production! WEMW Slate Market & EAVE Consultancies .. read more

News del 18 October 2021

RE-ACT opens the call for the co-development funding scheme!

Starting from today producers from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and FVG region can submit their applications for the RE-ACT Co-Development Funding scheme. According to the 2021 regulations in order to be eligible at least one member of the team (either the director or one of the producers attached to the project) should be working on a feature (fiction .. read more

News del 15 October 2021


After the great success of the Circle Open Masterclass Program, we are very happy to invite you to the hybrid CIRCLE & RE-ACT Mini Lab, taking place on October 14-15, 2021 and organized in partnership with the Festival of Slovenian Film Portorose. Once again all RE-ACT film professionals and festival attendees will have the great opportunity to join two new inspirational ONLINE sessions led by .. read more

News del 6 October 2021 -

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