
EXTENDED DEADLINE for RE-ACT co-development funding scheme applications!

The co-development funding call is still open!  Deadline has been extended to 20 November 2020!  Producers from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and FVG region can submit their applications for the RE-ACT Co-Development Funding scheme. According to the new 2020 regulations in order to be eligible at least one member of the team (either the director or one of the producers .. read more

News del 13 November 2020

WEMW Co-Production Forum 2021 Extended deadline

As a result of the strong interest in the upcoming edition of the WEMW Co-Production Forum, taking place on January 24-28, 2021, the deadline for submission has been extended to November 6, 2020 to allow as many producers as possible to finalize their materials and apply with their project. Producers from Europe*, Israel, North & .. read more

News del 30 October 2020

WEMW calls for all its side events

After announcing the call for its upcoming 11th Hybrid Co-Production Forum, taking place both in Trieste and online between 24-28 January 2021, WEMW now opens the calls for all its side events. The full programme of this special 2021 edition includes a great mix of initiatives targeting projects in different phases of production as well .. read more

News del 19 October 2020

Fantastic Film Forum 2020

The Fantastic Film Forum is the section of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival dedicated to cinema professionals. The Covid19 emergency has forced us to present the edition 2020 in online modality. However, the loss of physical presence will be compensated for with an increase of the offer, which has never been so rich and varied: this year’s .. read more

News del 12 October 2020

RE-ACT opens the call for the co-development funding scheme and for the First Cut Lab autumn session!

In the past six years RE-ACT has achieved great results in connecting professionals and boosting co-productions between Croatia, Slovenia and FVG. Last year Film Center Serbia became a new member and Serbian professionals have been able to submit their projects and participate in all RE-ACT training and networking initiatives planned. From 2020 Film Center Serbia .. read more

News del 7 October 2020

A Journey Through RE-ACT

Festival slovenskega filma and RE-ACT will organize the case-study A Journey Through RE-ACT   Tuesday October 6th – here the programme: 10:00 A Journey Through RE-ACT The impact of RE-ACT activities on Riders by Dominik Mencej In conversation with Miha Černec (Staragara, Slovenia), Danijel Pek (Antitalent, Croatia), David Cej (Transmedia, Italy) and Milan Stojanović (Sense .. read more

News del 5 October 2020 -

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