
WEMW 2023 opens the first round of calls for entries and launches the new East & West focus

After two editions marked by unpredictable difficulties but at the same time by new approaches and innovative perspectives, WEMW (Trieste, 22-25 January  2023) launches its thirteenth edition with the primary wish to consolidate the wide range of existing programmes and activities, and with the main goal to help the international film community to face the .. read more

News del 6 October 2022


 RE-ACT Masterclass & Networking Days @ Zagreb Film Festival, will take place on October 27-28, 2022 organized in partnership with the Zagreb Film Festival. Once again all RE-ACT film professionals will have the great opportunity to join a rich programme that will include a presentation of the RE-ACT Co-Development Fund, a lecture designed in collaboration with First Cut+ and some networking activities so to bring together producers from .. read more

News del 6 October 2022


First Cut Lab RE-ACT is a comprehensive consultancy & training program designed for 4 feature films in editing phase from Croatia, Friuli Venezia Giulia region, Serbia and Slovenia. Films can be fiction or documentary. First Cut Lab RE-ACT offers a 4-month trajectory, with activities ranging from editing consultancy to the acquisitions of skills in marketing, promotion, and audience .. read more

News del 16 September 2022

RE-ACT Co-Development Funding Scheme 2021 – Awarded Projects

In the seventh round of co-development funding in 2021, out of 45 applications in total, 8 projects from Croatia, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Serbia and Slovenia were chosen and awarded with 10.000 euros each. Please find here below the complete list of 2021 awarded projects: BEING RELATED TO JOHN MALKOVICH, Documentary Director: Luka Mavretić Scriptwriter: Luka Mavretić .. read more

News del 1 February 2022

TIES THAT BIND unveils the 2021 selection

For its 13th edition, THAT THAT BIND (TTB), the leading workshop programme connecting professionals from Asia and Europe, announces the selection of 25 participants including directors coming from 14 countries. TTB takes place over a year through 2 workshops offering comprehensive knowledge of the European and Asian film industries and markets. The participants benefit from .. read more

News del 29 November 2021

Apply to our new INSPIRATIONAL LABS and join WEMW 2022 onsite!

After closing the call for the Co-Production Forum with a successful record number of over 430 submissions, WEMW launches a complete programme of Inspirational Labs, a series of mini-workshops meant to stimulate producers to develop new content, explore new business models and discover new markets.   The WEMW Inspirational Labs, run in collaboration with leading .. read more

News del 17 November 2021 -

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